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Stop Holding Back

Stop Being Overlooked

Be So Compelling They Can't Ignore You

As a leader and a professional 
you may have a problem you're not even aware of!


Why are you not winning that promotion or pitch? 

Why is your leadership or management just not working?
Why are clients and colleagues not taking you more seriously?

Be. More. Compelling.

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The Personal Presence Accelerator™ 

One-page diagnostic for immediate self-diagnosis and your solution

It sets out a road map for you to Build Your Gravitas so that you can Be More Compelling.

To get there fast-track.

I'll also send you occasional email and video tips - you can unsubscribe at any time, of course.

Fill in your details now - I'll send you both the one-sheet and link to a 15-minute explainer video.

You've heard of a 'Compelling story' haven't you?

Where you're hanging on every word, gripped to know what's coming next.

A great speaker - or a book that you just can't put down, a real page-turner. You're engrossed and can't wait for more.

Or a compelling argument that you just can't rebut, it is more commanding than any other point.

Or a website that keeps you scrolling and scrolling because the content is so 'Compelling'.

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Speaking - story-telling - at Disrupt-HR Glasgow

You too can be 'Compelling'


More Impressive

More Compelling

The Kelpies, Scotland


The Personal Presence Accelerator™ 

Saved Me Around £30,000


Wealth Management Specialist

I was competent, intelligent and professional but completely debilitated by my situation, which was affecting both business and home life.


Scott brought instant clarity, as well as emotional support. With his legal insight and disarming ability to defuse a potentially very hostile situation, the outcome saved me around £30,000.

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